2012 autumn and winter trend of luxury damask

Leading Words: The prevalence of Eastern elements in autumn and winter 2012 has also led to the extensive use of brocade fabrics, but brocade fabrics are not just used to show oriental style. With its unique texture and luster unique texture, damask in the fall and winter T stage shine. The brocade fabric is very suitable for wearing on occasions like banquets, and because the fabrics tend to be gorgeous, the models of the produced garments are relatively simple, and it is easier to highlight the elegant temperament. It is a good choice for those who want to show luxury at the end of the year and don’t want to show off.


Aquilano Rimondi


Dries Van Noten




Issa London

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Crystal Scepter

Crystal Scepter is a symbol of of power in old times, which meaning right, honor and riches.
Now the scepter use for pageant, which in various shaped, such as heart scepter, star shaped scepter, animal shaped scepter, spider scepter, rabbit shaped scepter, full round earth shaped scepter and other lots of crystal Pageant Scepters. And all the scepter made by high quality crystal, double side and single side both available.
All the stick of the scepter is 15inch length in my site.
The top part from 1.5inch to 4inch, plus 15inch sticker, total length is 16inch----19inch length.


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